Piano Notes

Hey all! Conductor Cody, here! I am offering you the names of piano notes in pictures and an audio format.

Some Facts About Piano Notes

First, let's give you some quick facts about piano:

  • Most pianos have a total of 88 keys.
  • Pianos have both black and white keys. The white ones are the natural keys and the black keys are the sharps and flats.
  • The full-size piano has eight octaves at any one position. 
  • The most common key kids and beginners start with is the key of C.

What Are Piano Notes?

Second, let's look at a big picture of each note and their note names in notes called whole notes.

Remember that the musical alphabet runs from A through G. If you are need of a quick review of this, go to the music theory basics page

If it better suits you, let's now bring up the whole note diagram, this time with colored note heads.

Study the pictures carefully and then, let's explore some various downloadable templates that you could practice what each note is and get to memorize it over time.

Click the link to have access to downloadable templates from which you could practice here and here.

If you are in need of any refreshers on the musical alphabet, go here to have access to more piano notes.

There are also embed links in the third column at the right of this webpage that will lead you to popular books that teach beginners how to read music.

One resource that could help you more with guessing and memorizing music notes in addition to the two samples that I have provided here on the site. Plus, this product features some puzzles to solve that kids would love. That book is available here.

There is also a great piano course that could help little kids pick up music within a few months-- called "Teaching Little Fingers To Play."

In the next set of pages, as your conductor, I will teach you how to play and memorize notes one at a time and in groups. Take the video below for example.

Click here to go back to the homepage.

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